
目前顯示的是 7月, 2009的文章


遠端的系統大多已經有中文環境,但是傳統的xterm並不能正確的顯示中文,在此以Fedora 11為例,記錄如何能讓Fedora 11遠端的xterm能顯示中文 其實xterm並不能正確的顯示中文,在網路上有找到rxvt這個工具,它可以顯示中文。在Fedora中,安裝以下套件: rxvt rxvt-unicode 這二個是有機會可顯示中文的,以目前我自己的設定上來說,Fedora其環境是Unicode 顯示中文的方式,如在之前已經用xterm連線成功的話,輸入ls -l中文目錄會出現亂碼。而換了使用rxvt後,結果也一樣,但是如果用urxvt (unocide版)的話,中文就能正常顯示了。 在urxvt中,要複製選取字元,用Ctrl-Insert,貼上用Shift-Insert。

筆記:Cygwin上安裝XWindow 環境

Cygwin是一套跑在Windows平台上,模仿Unix環境的系統,完全免費,也方便和Unix環境連結。其X11環境是我最常用的。 安裝: 確定在Cygwin安裝時,要有安裝X11選項(內定是不裝,要改成"install"),另外Net中的openssh及inetutils要裝。X11項目中,要檢查xinit,xorg-server,xorg-docs,X-start-menu-icons(非必要)有裝。 輸入startxwin.bat啟動X11環境,在啟動的X11視窗中,輸入: xhost + 比如: $ xhost + being added to access control list 接著ssh到Linux主機(即要將顯示丟過來的主機): ssh -Y -l username remote_hostname_or_ip_address 比如: ssh -Y -l user1 確定xterm在Linux上有安裝後,在ssh的那個連線階段,輸入 「xterm &」,遠端的連線就會全導到PC上了。


修改 ~/.inputrc (用vi或是vim),加入以下幾行: set meta-flag on set convert-meta off set input-meta on set output-meta on 修改 ~/.bash_profile,要有以下幾行: export LESSCHARSET=latin1 alias less='/bin/less -r' alias ls='/bin/ls -F --color=tty --show-control-chars'
QNAP TS-409 iTune Service troubleshooting. Well, I got some problem with TS-409 iTunes service, so I decide to fix it.....for whole day. You must have a little Unix skills if you want to try to fix it. So, I enjoy my TS-409 with iTunes server, it makes me easy to listen to my favorite music. Well, on February I bought a new mobile phone, it supports MP3 play. But it only support UNICODE ID3 tags. So I decide to convert all my MP3 existing tags from BIG5 to UNICODE. Then My TS-409 iTunes service stop working. Yesterday, I upgraded firmware to 3.1, it still not working....So I decide to figure out why it stop working. First I SSH to TS-409, and type following command: ps -ef|grep daapd mt-daapd is iTunes service process name, usually system will spam around 5 processes for iTunes. I found there is no daapd process running. So I restart iTunes service from admin interface. This time I found daapd consumes all CPU resources (via command top) So, there should be a problem in daapd. Maybe it...